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Full-fat diary healthier than skim (perhaps better Vitamin D and Vitamin K bioavailability) – Sept 2019

Dairy Foods, Obesity, and Metabolic Health: The Role of the Food Matrix Compared with Single Nutrients

Advances in Nutrition, Vol 10, Issue 5, Sept 2019, Pages 917S–923S, https://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmz053
Dariush Mozaffarian


This study does not appear to be aware of the studies
   Low fat milk provides 2.5 times less vitamin D – May 2016
   Vitamin K in full-fat dairy products – June 2017
It seems that fat-soluble forms of vitamins (D, K, etc.) need fat to be absorbed

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki



In the 20th century, scientific and geopolitical events led to the concept of food as a delivery system for calories and specific isolated nutrients. As a result, conventional dietary guidelines have focused on individual nutrients to maintain health and prevent disease. For dairy foods, this has led to general dietary recommendations to consume 2–3 daily servings of reduced-fat dairy foods, without regard to type (e.g., yogurt, cheese, milk), largely based on theorized benefits of isolated nutrients for bone health (e.g., calcium, vitamin D) and theorized harms of isolated nutrients for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and obesity (e.g., total fat, saturated fat, total calories).

However, advances in nutrition science have demonstrated that foods represent complex matrices of nutrients, minerals, bioactives, food structures, and other factors (e.g., phoshopholipids, prebiotics, probiotics) with correspondingly complex effects on health and disease.

The present evidence suggests that whole-fat dairy foods do not cause weight gain, that overall dairy consumption increases lean body mass and reduces body fat, that yogurt consumption and probiotics reduce weight gain, that fermented dairy consumption including cheese is linked to lower CVD risk, and that yogurt, cheese, and even dairy fat may protect against type 2 diabetes.

Based on the current science, dairy consumption is part of a healthy diet, without strong evidence to favor reduced-fat products; while intakes of probiotic-containing unsweetened and fermented dairy products such as yogurt and cheese appear especially beneficial.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday September 14, 2019 14:02:36 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 7)

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12638 Full fat.jpg admin 14 Sep, 2019 93.23 Kb 540
12637 Diary and Vitamins.jpg admin 14 Sep, 2019 317.49 Kb 616
12636 full fat dairy.pdf admin 14 Sep, 2019 600.91 Kb 566